Ducks are very social individuals. This can either be shown in their interaction with conspecifics or with humans.

πŸ¦† How do ducks show their affection towards you?

Ducks show their affection towards you by following you around. They communicate that they trust you and want to be around you. When they are among their own kind it shows when ducks are marching along in a straight line following their mother or other reference individuals.

They also may quack and make noises to get your attention and may ask for a cuddle. Another way ducks like showing affection are by nibbling on your hands and feet saying "Thank You" when you are feeding them.

πŸ¦† How can you show your respect and affection to ducks and encourage them to be themselves in your presence?

The greatest and most important way to show affection, respect, and appreciation for their existence and presence is to stop using them and their conspecifics for self-serving purposes (their flesh and feathers) but to focus on their needs and make their well-being and integrity an undeniable priority. Ducks aren’t here for us, but with us.

Some individuals like cuddles and being gently petted or scratched in the bill (upper and lower mandible) area. Always pay attention to the body language of the individual and only give them when they are desired not endured.

Ducks are interesting as a species and unique as individuals. Watch them, learn about them, and learn from them.

They have the right to live free from human oppression.
#CelebrateDucks by appreciating them, not exploiting them!


This post was made in collaboration with @animaljusticeproject
πŸ¦† Karolina at @kurzalapka_azyl | πŸ“· @human.cruelties

Animal Justice Project is campaigning for a complete ban on duck farming in the UK through their β€˜Down with Duck Farming’ initiative. Their focus is not on reform but instead on ending the industry. The Animal Welfare Act 2006 goes against the rights of ducks!

πŸ“’ Please support the campaign!

πŸ’» Find out more: downwithduckfarming.org
@animaljusticeproject #DownWithDuckFarming

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Kerstin Brueller

I am a qualified graphic designer, illustrator, designer, an enthusiastic writer and speaker in the field of ethics and animal liberation, and one of the founders of the vegan merch collective RULE OF NINES based in Vienna/Austria.


