… a world where everyone, no matter what species, no matter what they look like and what language they speak, has basic rights to life, freedom, and bodily autonomy. Imagine a world where everyone lives together in peace and harmony, caring for and helping each other. I genuinely believe that a better and kinder world is possible.
Make the connection.
All of us grow up in a system that’s teaching us, that some non-human animals matter more than others, and that it is “normal” and “natural” to eat some and pet, love, and care for others. But where is the difference? Is there one?
Must Watch!
Here are some mind-opening documentaries that have helped me see the unseen, and most importantly, made me curious to question more. To question everything. They might be very interesting to you too. Also, check out more resources linked to this section.
Dominion uses drones, hidden and handheld cameras to expose the dark underbelly of modern animal agriculture, questioning the morality and validity of humankind’s dominion over the animal kingdom.
Seaspiracy examines the global fishing industry, challenging notions of sustainable fishing and showing how human actions cause widespread environmental destruction. Passionate about ocean life, a filmmaker sets out to document the harm that humans do to marine species — and uncovers alarming global corruption.
Cowspiracy is a groundbreaking feature-length environmental documentary on the environmental impact of the animal industry on deforestation, water consumption, pollution, rainforest destruction, species extinction, habitat loss, topsoil erosion, and ocean “dead zones”.
(ethics & environment)
From the makers of award-winning films Cowspiracy and What The Health, SLAY takes a unique perspective on the animal skin trade in the fashion industry and what has to change. This is a never-before-seen documentary that brings together a host of celebrities, experts, and campaigners to expose unethical practices in the fashion industry whilst showcasing practical solutions. Are you ready to get under fashion’s skin?
“What the Health”exposes the collusion and corruption in government and big business that is costing us trillions of healthcare dollars, and keeping us sick.
The film that health organizations don’t want you to see.
(ethics, nutrition & planet)
Planet Vegan is a 5-part documentary series taking a deep dive into the fastest-growing social justice movement of the 21st century. The series will act as a welcoming and non-judgemental platform to educate the public on why millions of people are making a change in their habits for the betterment of the animals, the planet, and their own health.
Go Vegan today and never look back!
Sign up for Challenge 22 for free, start to understand what veganism is about and adapt your actions to your morals and ethical views in 21 days.